Where does it lead?
This is a heart, look closely... Two trees one heart.
And this is a pig, you kiss it for good luck.
Me and court on the lake.
It wasn't all that bad.
Gorgeous sunrise!!!!!
These last couple of days were the definition of good and bad, lol. Let's start with the good. We left early saturday morning to go to a mountain called alishan. It's known for having the most beautiful sunrises in taiwan... and it didn't disappoint. We started off with about an hour and half train ride, and then paid a guy to take us up in his van. Arriving there it sorta seemed like it would be a nice sky resort in the winter, very picturesc in the mountain. We hiked up to were we were staying, six girls in one room on one very large bed, and two beds for 3 boys. It was a little bed and breakfast place without the breakfast. We dropped off our stuff and headed out to hike the trails. The trails led through very picturesc places; giant trees, great vegitation, lakes, and fog rolling in and out. Every once in a while you run into a little temple. It was gorgeous! For more pics look here... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=147738&l=db295&id=735790433 We hiked till night fall making it back just as it was getting dark. We decided to try a community hot pot, with all sorts of stuff in it. I ended up eating whole shrimps and alot of other weird stuff. I got some great pics though. By the end of the night we were all dead tired to say the least. We went to bed early and it's a good thing cause we'd have to get up at 3:45 the next morning to make it in time for the sunrise. In the morning we got ready and headed out to catch the train (much better than hiking) and got there about 30 mins before the sunrise. There was a huge crowd and a man on a megaphone telling everyone what was going on in chinese, to me it was just anoying, haha. but it was a sweet sunset!! After that we ran home to get there in time for church... 3 hours later we made it just as the sacrement hymn was starting!! lol. I taught my lesson and was very spirtiually edified by that of others. all
Love all those pics! They are really breathtaking! Sounds like you are having a great time except for the bike! ARRR!! Is this the second bike you have had stolen? Shesh!!! What a bummer! I hope you figure out what to do!
Hot pics dude! Totally jealous about your cool adventures. You are my hero!
Hey dude! You have a blog! That's awesome! I love the pictures. Sounds like a pretty amazing place. I miss those piescream nights, man. When you coming home?
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